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Fundraising for Childhood Cancer, Thousands of Women Swim Naked

Dublin - The sight of thousands of women swimming naked is certainly not a common sight we see, but this is what happened in Ireland, conducting unique activities to raise funds is commonplace. Well, in Ireland, charity fundraising for a child cancer foundation is done by swimming naked.

Unmitigated, this unique fundraiser also broke the world record. In the Guinness World Records record, as many as 2505 women swam naked on the coast of Magheramore, Ireland, Saturday (9/6/2018) local time.

The funds raised will be channeled to Aoibheann's Pink Tie, one of the children's cancer foundations in Ireland. Total funds collected reached 153.000 Euro.

Deirdre Betson, one of the participants who is also Aoibheann's Pink Tie board said the bare swimming event aims to remind again that cancer patients are also human, although his physical condition can be different from ordinary people.

"It's amazing, we all have different body shapes and sizes, but we forget it and swim together for one purpose," Betson said.

The previous nude swim record took place in 2015, in which 786 women were swimming naked for positive body image campaigning.

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