Knowing the Benefits and Risks of Acupuncture
One treatment technique that is hundreds of years old is acupuncture, is a holistic health technique derived from the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, performed by an acupuncturist by stimulating certain points on the body by inserting a thin needle into the skin. Surprisingly, despite the needle treatment, the treatment is painless.
In fact, one of the most popular benefits of acupuncture is to reduce chronic pain throughout the body in a natural way. So, what are the benefits of acupuncture? What are the risks that can occur when doing so?
In 2009, research from the Center for Complementary Medicine at the University of Munich reviewed more than 11 studies involving 2,137 acupuncture patients.
They concluded that acupuncture can be a valuable non-pharmacological tool in patients with chronic tension headaches. The results showed that the placement of needles in strategic areas can minimize headaches.
2. Relieves chronic pain, including back, neck, knee, and arthritis pain.
In 2006, a study conducted by University Medical Center of Berlin stated that the benefits of acupuncture have been shown to be more effective in improving back pain compared with those who did not perform treatment with acupuncture. Patients with chronic low back pain who received this treatment for 8 weeks, stated that they experienced a significant difference.
And in a 2012 study conducted by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, states that acupuncture can relieve chronic pain of the muscles of the spine and neck, osteoarthritis, and chronic headaches.
3. Helps to treat insomnia
Meta-analysis conducted by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2009, showed that insomnia patients who took medicines or herbs and assisted with acupuncture had a better effect compared to those taking drugs or herbal medicine alone.
4. Improve cancer recovery and chemotherapy effects
According to the National Cancer Institute, several studies show the benefits of acupuncture in helping to boost immunity and accelerate recovery after cancer treatment. A randomized trial found that acupuncture treatment can boost immunity, platelet count, and prevent the decline of healthy cells after radiation therapy or chemotherapy, when compared with not receiving acupuncture at all.
The researchers reported that patients receiving acupuncture treatment also experienced a decrease in pain from treatment, improved quality of life, and decreased negative side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea.
5. Helps prevent loss of cognitive brain function
Several preliminary studies have shown new information about the benefits of acupuncture in Parkinson's. Studies show that this treatment can relieve symptoms of age-related cognitive decline, such as the putamen and thalamus, which are mainly affected by Parkinson's disease.
In a 2002 study conducted by the Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, states that after 20 Parkinson's patients were treated with acupuncture for 16 sessions, 85% of patients reported subjective elevations of individual symptoms, including tremor, walking, writing, slowness, pain, sleep, depression, and anxiety.
6. Health of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum
Many doctors recommend acupuncture as a treatment to reduce stress, balance hormones, and relieve anxiety and pain from pregnancy and childbirth. It is considered a safe treatment for many common symptoms during pregnancy, including relieving physical and emotional tension in the body, as well as helping to build moods, and decreasing depression, mental symptoms, or maternal physicality after childbirth. Even this traditional medicine can be used before the baby is born to facilitate the process of giving birth.
Pain. After acupuncture, you may experience pain, small bleeding, or bruises in the area of needlestick.
Organ injury. If the needle is pushed too deep, they can puncture the internal organs, especially the lungs. This is a very rare complication in the hands of experienced doctors.
Infection. Needle skewers always use sterile and disposable needles. A reusable needle can make you exposed to diseases such as hepatitis.
In fact, one of the most popular benefits of acupuncture is to reduce chronic pain throughout the body in a natural way. So, what are the benefits of acupuncture? What are the risks that can occur when doing so?
Various benefits of acupuncture
1. Helps reduce headaches and migrainesIn 2009, research from the Center for Complementary Medicine at the University of Munich reviewed more than 11 studies involving 2,137 acupuncture patients.
They concluded that acupuncture can be a valuable non-pharmacological tool in patients with chronic tension headaches. The results showed that the placement of needles in strategic areas can minimize headaches.
2. Relieves chronic pain, including back, neck, knee, and arthritis pain.
In 2006, a study conducted by University Medical Center of Berlin stated that the benefits of acupuncture have been shown to be more effective in improving back pain compared with those who did not perform treatment with acupuncture. Patients with chronic low back pain who received this treatment for 8 weeks, stated that they experienced a significant difference.
And in a 2012 study conducted by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, states that acupuncture can relieve chronic pain of the muscles of the spine and neck, osteoarthritis, and chronic headaches.
3. Helps to treat insomnia
Meta-analysis conducted by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2009, showed that insomnia patients who took medicines or herbs and assisted with acupuncture had a better effect compared to those taking drugs or herbal medicine alone.
4. Improve cancer recovery and chemotherapy effects
According to the National Cancer Institute, several studies show the benefits of acupuncture in helping to boost immunity and accelerate recovery after cancer treatment. A randomized trial found that acupuncture treatment can boost immunity, platelet count, and prevent the decline of healthy cells after radiation therapy or chemotherapy, when compared with not receiving acupuncture at all.
The researchers reported that patients receiving acupuncture treatment also experienced a decrease in pain from treatment, improved quality of life, and decreased negative side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea.
5. Helps prevent loss of cognitive brain function
Several preliminary studies have shown new information about the benefits of acupuncture in Parkinson's. Studies show that this treatment can relieve symptoms of age-related cognitive decline, such as the putamen and thalamus, which are mainly affected by Parkinson's disease.
In a 2002 study conducted by the Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, states that after 20 Parkinson's patients were treated with acupuncture for 16 sessions, 85% of patients reported subjective elevations of individual symptoms, including tremor, walking, writing, slowness, pain, sleep, depression, and anxiety.
6. Health of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum
Many doctors recommend acupuncture as a treatment to reduce stress, balance hormones, and relieve anxiety and pain from pregnancy and childbirth. It is considered a safe treatment for many common symptoms during pregnancy, including relieving physical and emotional tension in the body, as well as helping to build moods, and decreasing depression, mental symptoms, or maternal physicality after childbirth. Even this traditional medicine can be used before the baby is born to facilitate the process of giving birth.
Various risks of acupuncture
Acupuncture risk is actually low if you do it with a skilled pinhide expert. Here are some possible side effects and complications:Pain. After acupuncture, you may experience pain, small bleeding, or bruises in the area of needlestick.
Organ injury. If the needle is pushed too deep, they can puncture the internal organs, especially the lungs. This is a very rare complication in the hands of experienced doctors.
Infection. Needle skewers always use sterile and disposable needles. A reusable needle can make you exposed to diseases such as hepatitis.
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